Unlawful Presences
Laurence Rasti28. April — 14. Mai
Two thirds of the population of Geneva are of migrant origin.This reality shapes the identity of the city. However, on their wayto work or school, thousands of individuals are at risk of beingarrested, imprisoned, and finally expelled from the country,because of their lack of residency status.
People of different origins, nationalities, and backgrounds,
who live in precarious situations and are forced to anonymity.In the fifth richest city in the world, housing, safe and healthyworking conditions, health care, education and access to justiceare not guaranteed. For many, these fundamental rights areinaccessible privileges.
Vernissage 28.04.2022 – 18:00
Öffnungszeiten :
Mittwoch 17:00 – 20:00
Donnerstag 17:00 – 20:00
Freitag 17:00 – 20:00
>> Laurence Rasti website