10. März — 19. März
Design workshops for teenagers and young adults in collaboration with the Werkstatt of Tscharnergut. This workshop is devoted to the design of objects related to the topic of the cabane. Neighbourhood residents will have the opportunity to build pieces of furniture in a specific way guided by two industrial designers: Valentin Sieber from Neuchâtel, who likes to think about the relationship between the object and the user, and Louisa Carmona from Zurich, who is interested in the influence materials have on objects.
Workshop : Wednesday 10th, 17th March 2021
Location : Werkstatt Tscharnergut
Friday 19th March 2021, Presentation of the handmade furniture at 4:30 p.m. onwards.
*Due to covid, the talk is cancelled but you can still come over and admire the creations from outside the Cabane and inside according to the actual covid restrictions.
Location : Cabane B